YTCi - TA training for professional practice

I qualified as a CTA in 1990, and 34 years later I am still loving TA, theory, practice and being a member of the international TA community, in which I and my colleagues in YTCi are actively involved.

TA training is a relational process with the goal of personal and professional development and transformation. This approach is reflected in the articles I have written and posted on this website -
articles .

TA training can lead to a professional qualification as a Certified Transaction Analyst. (CTA). Since the onset of the covid pandemic we have been impressed by how effective online training, supervision coaching and psychotherapy is. Therefore we have created this website with the focus on our online work. Feel free to email me if you have any further questions.

Dave Spenceley TSTA - February 2024

TA training for professional practice

Training with internationally experienced trainers to use TA in your professional practice and going on to prepare for TA qualification in the psychotherapy or counselling field. Qualification as certified transactional analyst is gained through external examinations run by the European Association for Transactional Analysis. With YTCi you can prepare to qualify as a TA Psychotherapist (CTA p) or as a TA Counsellor (CTA c) - It is important to know that in the world of TA the counselling field in TA includes executive and life coaching, team building, leadership development, conflict resolution, pastoral work, couples and family work as well as psych-social counselling. See the EATA training manuals descriptions of the four fields of TA for details.

Using TA philosophy and practice YTCi trainers will create a supportive atmosphere in which you can safely develop both professionally and personally. TA training is focused on professional and personal growth. The workshops include theoretical input, discussions, supervision and self experience as well as practically learning to use the material presented. You will learn TA concepts and methodology and apply the theory to your professional practice. You will have opportunity for using the TA approaches within the group and for receiving supervision of your professional practice.

Transactional Analyst training is process orientated and competency-based offering you the opportunity for personal and professional reflection, however many attend TA training without intending to take the CTA qualification but are interested in using TA professionally and personally. If you are in this position you are welcome to join this group and to explore how the group can best meet your requirements.

Currently there is a group based in Bucharest which is meeting for 20 days, in 8 modules. There are participants from around Europe and the USA participating in the group - so it is possible to join the group online, even when there is an in-person group meeting in Bucharest meaning that the group is open to all regardless of where you live.

For all hybrid and online meetings please comply with the YTCi requirements for hybrid or online zoom meetings.

YTCi - Hybid and online guidlines

Topics, trainers and dates for 2024 training group
Date and trainer Topic
January 12 / 13 - Dave Spenceley TSTA - online Berne's 8 empathic transactions +
February 9 / 10 / 11 - Dave Spenceley TSTA - in person / hybrid Body psychotherapy in TA - an introduction
March 15 / 16 - Gudrun Hennig TSTA - online Passivity, symbiosis and the art of confronting discounts
April 19 / 20 - Dave Spenceley TSTA - in person / hybrid Two chair work and other creative approaches in TA
May 24 / 25 / 26 - Uta Höhl TSTA & Dave - in person / hybrid Constructivism and systemic TA in practice  
September 20 / 21 / 22 - Dave Spenceley TSTA - in person / hybrid Group work in TA practice
October 25 / 26 - Anna Krieb TSTA - online Co - Created TA theory and practice
December 6 / 7 / 8 - Dave Spenceley - in person / hybrid Transference and Counter- transference in TA practice

Group Requirements:
  • Regular attendance and participation in the training groups - a certificate of  attendance is awarded for attendance to the training groups.
  • To receive the certificate of attendance for each module you must attend a minimum of 75% of the module.
  • Completion of one assignment – this can be assessed written work or presentations and a self and peer assessment at the end of each year.
  • Maintain an up to date training log, which includes self reflections on experience of training, supervision, therapy and practice of TA.
  • Members of the group are required to be members of their national TA association and to comply with the requirements and ethical standards of EATA.
  • The YTCi training Director has the final say in whether trainees can continue in membership of the training group
Online or Hybrid - Then please read the page regarding the requirements for hybrid or online zoom meetings

YTCi Diploma in TA Applications:
  • As recognition for your professional application of TA we have created the  YTCi diploma in TA applications.
  • See the diploma page for details.
  • Completion of the YTCi diploma is is a requirement to join the examination preparation group.
CTA Qualification as a psychotherapist or in the counselling field:
  • External EATA examinations and qualification as a Transactional Analyst Psychotherapist.  
  • See the EATA training handbook for details of the exam requirements, structure and process.
  • See section 5 of the EATA handbook for a description of the 4 fields of of TA including psychotherapy and counselling.
Accreditation: is by the European Association of Transactional Analysis, (EATA) which is registered in Switzerland as a non-profit organisation. This body administers standards in competency based international examinations for qualification as Transactional Analysts.

TA Qualifications
a. TSTA Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst.
b. PTSTA Provisional Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst
c. CTA Certified Transactional Analyst.
Cost for 2024:

  • €2600 when you are funded or when living and working outside of Romania and 7000 Ron for those self funding and living in Romania or Eastern Europe.
  • When you are self funding it is possible to pay by instalments if this would enable you to attend the training: For example the payment of a 700 Ron deposit when submitting your application followed by 9 monthly payments of 700 Ron on the first of each following month.  
  • Please note that payments are for membership and not attendance and once membership of the group is agreed the whole years fees become due - the allowance to pay by instalments is an exception. See the YTCi payments page for details of methods of payments and the administration contract regarding the payment of fees and cancellation policies. There are several methods of payment - please ask for details.
  • If you wish to participate but cannot afford the fees then it might be possible for YTCi to offer you a reduced rate, please contact YTCi to discuss your circumstances.
  • Please request a YTCi training application form which also is a contract between YTCi and the trainee. Please sign and send the application form to YTCi. Your membership will be confirmed for the year once you have paid the fee or your first instalment. Please sign and send your application to YTCi Dave Spenceley

TA was developed by Eric Berne and his colleagues in the 1960's, and TA theory and practice continues to evolve and is now used throughout the world, in psychotherapy, coaching, counselling, leadership, consultancy, organisational and educational settings.

At YTCi we focus on psychotherapy, and within the counselling field of TA for TA coaching and leadership development.

See Dave's intorduction to "TA 101 notes" - The notes are available alongside other articles prepared by Dave for the TA training programme. -
TA articles