YTCi - TEW preparation

TEW = Training Endorsement Workshops

So far I (Dave) have been a staff member on 10 different TEW's - all of which have been excellent as well as challenging experiences. In my expereince the TEW really is one of the most important and rewarding expereinces that TA practitioners go through in their professional development.

Uta has also been a staff member on several TEW's and I have no doubt that she would agree with my enthusiasm regarding the TEW process.
TEW Preparation

Dave and Uta have staffed many TEW workshops over the last 20 plus years. The TEW is an intensive 3 day training workshop, which includes assessment of your process, as well as your readiness to commence TA training and supervision.

After a minimum of one year as a CTA you may take your Training Endorsement Workshop - the TEW

TEW preparation is available in either small group settings or individually with with Dave and/or Uta.

You will need to produce a Training Proposal Outline (TPO)

You will need to prepare a short teach for the TEW

You will prepare to supervise one of your colleagues on the TEW.

During the assessment of the TEW there is a reflection upon your involvement in the groups process.

Contact Dave or Uta in order to arrange a supervision plan regarding your TEW

TA was developed by Eric Berne and his colleagues in the 1960's, and TA theory and practice continues to evolve and is now used throughout the world, in psychotherapy, coaching, counselling, leadership, consultancy, organisational and educational settings.

At YTCi we focus on psychotherapy, and within the counselling field of TA for TA coaching and leadership development.

See Dave's intorduction to "TA 101 notes" - The notes are available alongside other articles prepared by Dave for the TA training programme. -
TA articles