TA Foundation Course - Online

understanding and applying TA in practice
TA training including the foundation course is a relational process with the goal of personal and professional transformation and development.

The TA foundation course takes place over two years. There are 16 modules which cover all the core TA concepts, so that you can understand and apply them in your professional and personal lives.

The group is a closed group which you can join at any of the modules, with a commitment to staying in the group to complete at least one year of training.

Take a look through my articles on TA - I hope you find them interesting and useful and I look forward to working with you in one of the TA groups.

Feel free to email me with any questions about TA training.

Course director: Dave Spenceley TSTA - Jan 2024

TA Foundation course - 2025 - online

A new online foundation course commencing in 2025 is planned - please contact Dave if you are interested in joining this group.

Using TA philosophy and practice YTCi trainers will create a supportive atmosphere in which you can safely develop both professionally and personally. TA training is focused on both professional and personal growth. The workshops will include theoretical input, discussions, supervision and self experience. You will learn TA concepts and methodology and apply the theory to your personal development and your professional practice. You will have opportunity for using the TA approaches within the group and for receiving supervision of your professional practice.

The concepts covered provide the foundation for all TA psychotherapy, coaching, leadership development and counselling work.

16 modules over a 2 year period - leading to a YTCi certificate in TA concepts. The 16 modules which form the TA foundation course plus the 101 course will provide participants with the knowledge and understanding of TA concepts to develop their personal and professional application prior to joining the advanced group.

TA training is process orientated and competency-based offering you the opportunity for personal and professional reflection. This is reflected in the course design, and through all TA training and in the requirements of the final external examination process.

Many attend TA training with their promary goal being personal and professional development without intending to take the external examinations, if you are in this position you will be welcome to join the training group and to explore how the group can best meet your requirements. TA training at YTCi can also lead to TA qualification as a Certified Transactional Analyst, in the psychotherapy or counselling field, with external examinations run by the European Association for Transactional Analysis.

Participants must have attended the TA 101 course prior to joining, or attend the next available 101 course at YTCi. This course is a requirement prior to joining the Advanced TA training groups as well as the coaching and leadership supervision / training groups run by YTCi.  

It is recommended that participants also attend personal psychotherapy and this is a requirement prior to the use of TA concepts professionally with clients.

You can join at any time of the year - however the expectation is that you will go on to contract with YTCi to complete the whole of the foundation course.

  • For those in Eastern Europ who are self funding: the fee is 6000 Ron Payable for / 8 modules / 12 days.  
  • For those who are funded or are from Western Europe / rest of the world the fee is 2400€ / Year payable one month prior to commencing.
  • Payment by instalments is also possible - please contact Dave at YTCi to arrange a payment schedule that works for you.
  • YTCi can offer a limited number of reduced fee places when financial issues prevent a person joining the groups - please contact YTCi to discuss your situation if you wish to apply for a reduced fee.
YTCi Certificate in TA requirements:
  • Attendance at the course and to make two presentations to the group regarding their application / understanding of TA during their foundation course.
  • In order to receive the YTCi certificate then the participant must attend for a minimum of 75% of all modules.
The group will meet 10 - 6 - Friday / Saturdays in Bucharest or online - The group meets 10 - 6 on Fri / Sat except for May 2025
Trainer is Dave Spenceley TSTA - unless mentioned Topic
Mod 1) 2025 / 2026 dates to be arranged TA - core concepts and the role of contracting in TA.
Mod 2) Ego States and 3 rules of communication.
Mod 3) Life Scripts 1 - life scripts - a narrative for life.
Mod 4) Passivity - Symbiosis - Discounting
Mod 5) Game theory
Mod 6) Systemic TA - coaching and the counselling field of TA
Mod 7) Integrative TA
Mod 8) Professional Practice and ethics - setting up a professional practice
Mod 9) Group theory in practice
Mod 10) Child development and TA
Mod 11) Redecision school of TA
Mod 12) Changing our life scripts
Mod 13) Creative techniques in TA
Mod 14) Systems theory and constructivism in TA theory
Mod 15) TA and transference in practice
Mod 16) Dream work in TA
TA was developed by Eric Berne and his colleagues in the 1960's, and TA theory and practice continues to evolve and is now used throughout the world, in psychotherapy, coaching, counselling, leadership, consultancy, organisational and educational settings.

At YTCi we focus on psychotherapy, and within the counselling field of TA for TA coaching and leadership development.

See Dave's intorduction to "TA 101 notes" - The notes are available alongside other articles prepared by Dave for the TA training programme.
- TA articles